Ghosts and Platforms (GameMaker – Game Jam)

Ghosts & Platforms is a two dimension side scroller platform game planned and implemented within 48 hours jam with random teammates. The Global Game Jam introduces a mandatory theme each year – on 2014 was “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are“. Making a game and writing the storyline is not an easy task with 3 hours sleep over the weekend.

Download link:

Gameplay footage

This jam will always be one of my dearest. I came to the US on October 2013 and was the first jam I joined. Not knowing anyone is always hard; however, the game development scene showed me that people are more open than it appears.

We were randomized and formed teams (I still talk to my teammates after 5 years). The game itself isn’t anything extraordinary but was really fun. We planned, designed and implemented the whole thing as a team – delivering the expected results on a timely matter. We only had 2 days to complete the game. 

Using an engine provides with many advantages: collision handling, optimization, replication, visual design … This was critical due the timeline. It is always nice building your own engine and tune it to your game – however in a real-world situation creating an engine is expensive and requires maintaining it. More an more triple A studios are choosing to use standard engines (Unreal engine – Gearbox for example).

Honestly, we spent relatively small amount of time programming – due the simplistic logic and gameplay. But again, this is because we were given the “building blocks” from the engine. Another great feature about standard engines is that you can develop for all platforms using the same project.

Finally, I highly recommend to participate on game jams. They are short, helps to build-up your portfolio and most importantly is a fantastic way to network with people on other disciplines.

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